Spectres of Learning

Spectres of Learning is a conversation in book form. It collects individual and collective learning experiences, their situations, and relationships that haunt us until today. The book is a conversation about informal learning spaces such as gardens, parties, kitchens, parks, and how they influence what we learn, how we learn, and how we want to learn. It is also a conversation about hierarchies and forms of exclusion. How and in which spaces have we learned and which spaces have made learning impossible? What relationships have been established in and through these spaces and how do they influence our daily experiences and actions?

The book is also an experiment in publishing: created with the chat-to-print tool Chattypub (Hackers&Designers), the book was produced and designed collectively. Thus, the book is not only the result, but itself the infrastructure of the collaborative work, learning and thinking that can be read in it.

More information on Chattypub here.

The conversation is complemented by two texts by Gerko Egert and the collective topsoil (Sofía Villena Araya, Deniz Kırkalı and Amelie Wedel).


Access the publication online here.

The publication is part of gesellschaften, Vierte Welt Berlin and funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.



Buchcover: Spectres of Learning

Spectres of Learning

Printer: Banana Copy, Düsseldorf

To order a copy of the book please sent us an email.

Garp Sessions
Documentation and Commissioned Works 2019-2022

Garp Sessions is a summer programme that was started in 2019 by Ayşe İdil İdil and Deniz Kırkalı. Taking place yearly in Babakale, a fishing town in Turkey, it brings participants together around different themes every iteration. Garp Sessions: Documentation and New Commissions 2019-2022 brings together texts and visual material from past participants Ada Özsar, Ali Yalgın, Amelie Wedel, Aslı Özdoyuran, Ayşe Draz, Burak Taşdizen, Cem Örgen, David Horvitz, Ekin Can Göksoy, Ezgi Tok, Ezgi Hamzaçebi & Lara Ögel, Gizem Karakaş, Larissa Araz, Maryam al Khasawneh and Ulufer Çelik, neither absent nor present participant Ayşe Köklü, as part of nocturne platform Gerko Egert, and a conversation between Garp Sessions and Fisun Yalçınkaya. It also features interviews with Cooking Sections, Knifemaker Doğan Tosun, and Babakale Beautification, Culture, and Solidarity Association. The book aims to create further opportunities for dialogue between past participants from different years as well as members of our extended Garp Sessions community. It documents and reflects on the sessions in Babakale, produces new works in response to these encounters, and includes voices from the village. In that sense, it is a documentation as well as it is a commissioning platform. 


Buchcover: Garp Sessions

Garp Sessions
Documentation and Commissioned Works 2019-2022

Edited by / Editörler: Garp Sessions (Ayşe İdil İdil & Deniz Kırkalı)

Published 2023
ISBN: 978-3-00-076019-8

To order a copy of the book please sent an email. Price: €20

Zukunft, gefaltet
Choreographien des Als-Ob

„Gründet Werkstätten!“ ist eine mögliche Antwort auf die aktuellen Anforderungen, die gerade die Geisteswissenschaften dazu auffordern, sich in politische Diskurse einzuschreiben und diese darüber mitzuschreiben oder mitzugestalten. Unterbrechungen und Neuanschlüsse, das Kurzschließen und Öffnen linearer Fort-Schriften scheint uns hierbei ein möglicher Modus.

Zukunft, gefaltet. Choreographien des als-ob ist das für den Moment im Zeichenhaften stillgestellte Ergebnis einer kollaborativ-experimentellen Schreib- und Denkwerkstatt, an der elf Wissenschaftler*innen und Künstler*innen beteiligt waren. Angelehnt an das surrealistische Spiel Cadavre exquis waren die Mitschreibenden gleichsam Mitfaltende, Unterbrechende wie Unterbrochene: Ausformulierte Ansätze wurden, getaktet und gezeittafelt, fortgeschrieben, letzte Sätze eingefaltet weitergegeben und mitgerissen, woraus sich neue Anschlüsse, lose Enden und schlussendlich neun Textskulpturen ergaben, die die Signatur einer verzweigten Textagentur tragen. Agierende waren dabei nicht allein die Autor*innen oder die flüchtige Autor*innengruppe, sondern ebenso die Spielregeln, die Post und deren Irrwege, die lose im Dazwischen hängenden Anschlüsse, usurpatorische Würfelspiele und nicht zuletzt das Herausgeber*innen-Kollektiv, das als schaltende und verwaltende Instanz aktiv-passiv mitschrieb und (ver-)formte.

Gestaltung und Satz: Ricarda Löser, Weimar
Korrektorat: Laura Kattwinkel
Druck: Buch- und Kunstdruckerei Keßler GmbH, Weimar
Umschlagherstellung: Buchbinderei Steinhagen, Weimar


Buchcover: Zukunft, gefaltet

Zukunft, gefaltet
Choreographien des Als-Ob

Hrsg. v. Martina Bengert, Jörg Dünne und Max Walther
1. Auflage 2021
ISBN: 978-3-00-069803-3

Die Printversion des Buches kann für 20€ plus Versandkosten bestellt werden.

Learning to Experiment, Sharing Techniques
A Speculative Handbook

This speculative handbook offers a variety of techniques for radical learning and teaching. It includes specific instructions, experiences, and theoretical reflections. The texts participate in a conception of mediation that (re)introduces collaborative experimentation.

Learning and unlearning take place in the seminar room, in workshops, at festivals, in corridors, parks, and the city. The book includes texts and instructions on film essays, collages, bank robberies, the university of the dead, wild writing, conceptual speed dating, neurodiverse learning, format thinking, the theater of care, the writing lab, the body strike.

Design and typesetting: Ricarda Löser, Weimar
Proofreading: Ivana Buhl
Printing: Buch- und Kunstdruckerei Keßler GmbH, Weimar


Buchcover: Learning to Experiment, Sharing Techniques

Learning to Experiment, Sharing Techniques
A Speculative Handbook

Edited by Julia Bee and Gerko Egert
ISBN: 978-3-00-066190-7

To order a copy of the book please sent us an email.